Spexi news
March 8, 2024

Introducing our new website & brand

Welcome to the New Site

Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of our new brand & website.

Our goal with the new look and feel, is to present Spexigon as a clean, modern, forward looking platform that we hope will appeal first and foremost to our pilot community.

Second, we’re confident that the brand will also resonate with organizations who need high resolution aerial imagery from a trusted, reliable, and high quality source.

We’re On a Mission

We’re building Spexigon because we believe that when individuals and organizations can clearly see the Earth and the structures on it from anywhere, they’ll be able to make better decisions about how to manage the Earth’s scarce resources.

At the moment, high resolution Earth imagery is out of reach for most of us. In the cases where high resolution imagery is accessible, it’s often out of date, expensive, and controlled by a handful of companies.

We’re on a mission to change that by democratizing access to high resolution Earth imagery.

Combining Technology & People For a New Purpose

In order to achieve that mission we’re combining drone and blockchain technology (among several other technologies) to incentivize & coordinate a large number of people around the world to participate in using our platform.

By providing drone owners a near permissionless way to capture and upload high resolution imagery to a standardized platform, we believe entirely new business cases will emerge that will make Earth a better place to live.

Thank You Embacy!

We couldn’t have gotten here without help from an incredible branding & design agency, our friends at Embacy.io.

Their passion for cutting edge design and their eagerness to dive deeply into understanding our culture and future audiences, was instrumental in helping us arrive at a look and feel we can be proud of as we begin telling the world about our platform.

We’re excited to share our vision with the world and launching the new site and brand is a step forward in that direction.

We hope you like it!